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Sunday, October 9, 2016

Jog-a-thon/Color Run 2016

Friday, October 7th, 2016-We held a school wide Jog-a-thon and Color Run. The entire student body participated and students that turned in pledge forms were eligible to participate in the Color Run portion of the event. It was a huge success with over 200 students participating in the Color Run.  Students that raised $50 or more got to douse Principal Chaidez with colored powder. We give big kudos to Mr. Chaidez for his positive energy and GREAT Lincoln Spirit!  

In addition to all the fun, our school PTO raised over $13,000!!!! Here's a list of all the cool prizes students will win:

Highest earners:

1st place: Fitbit, $50 Gift Card to Big 5, $50 Gift Card to the Batting Cages

2nd place: Fitbit and $50 Gift Card to the Batting Cages

3rd place: Fitbit

Highest Class Participation: 

Picnic lunch with teacher-Subway lunch & frozen yogurts

All students that earn $100 or more will be entered in a drawing to receive one of the following prizes:

iPad, $20 cash, movie tickets, Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk tickets, MYO gift card, etc...

Thank you to all the amazing parent volunteers that made this event happen!